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Tummy Tuck Birmingham

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) is a surgical procedure which tightens the stomach by removing excess skin and fat.
Prices from £6,044
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Surgical markings for vaser liposuction
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Rated 'Outstanding' for Well Led by  the Care Quality Commission in 2024
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Tummy Tuck Surgery in Birmingham

Procedure Before/After Fees Post-Operative Instructions Consultants Testimonials Frequently Asked Questions

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) at our Birmingham clinic is a popular plastic surgery operation that is ideal for removing loose skin and repairing the abdominal muscle after pregnancy and weight loss. A tummy tuck aims to restore a smoother, more toned and youthful tummy. These conditions are not addressed well by liposuction alone or any of the popular skin tightening devices in the market.

Although abdominoplasty surgery does include surgical excision and liposuction, resulting in a level of weight loss, a tummy tuck is primarily performed to tighten excess skin gained during pregnancy or dramatic weight loss. Patients may be advised to lose weight prior to surgery in order to undergo the operation safely and see the best results.

What are the benefits of abdominoplasty surgery?

A tummy tuck can be a life changing procedure, with many benefits including:

  • Improved mobility by reducing the heavy lower abdomen and hips
  • Surgery enables you to wear the clothes you want including bikinis with a low scar
  • Abdominoplasty surgery can boost your self-esteem
  • Helps to restore a youthful figure after pregnancy or significant weight loss
  • Repairs abdominal muscles that can become seperated during pregnancy creating a permanent bulge

Am I suitable for a tummy tuck?

Many factors will be taken into account when deciding whether a patient is suitable for abdominoplasty. Below are some ideal candidates for a tummy tuck.

  • If you would like to improve your body contour due to loose skin and excess fat in your lower tummy which does not reduce with diet and exercise.
  • If you have already lost a lot of weight and are close to your target weight.
  • If you have significant abdominal muscle seperation (diastasis recti) following pregnancy.
  • Patients at the clinic must be at or below 27 BMI and have no underlying health conditions. Surgery can be offered under general anaesthetic at the hospital for patients who are below 30 BMI.
  • Patients should not smoke or vape.

What is the lock and glue tummy tuck?

The lock and glue tummy tuck or lipoabdominoplasty is an innovative approach combining internal locking stitches, tissue glue and local anaesthetic infusion pumps without the use of drains ( tubes left within the abdominal wound to drain excess blood and body fluids) which we use for all our tummy tuck patients.

The result is greater comfort for the patients, earlier mobilisation, earlier discharge and less risk of complications. The quilting and liposuction is effective in creating a more athletic looking abdomen with greater definitions.

Find out more

Tummy tuck procedure

Procedure Time

2 - 2.5 hours


Twilight Anaesthesia or TIVA (Total Intravenous Anaesthesia)

Nights in Hospital

Daycase or 1 Night Stay

Pain and Discomfort

7-14 days

Risks - Common

Bruising, swelling, temporary numbness, temporary skin irregularity, fluid collection, delayed wound healing of umbilicus

Risks - Uncommon

Infection, excessive scarring, asymmetry, bleeding, permanent numbness, delayed wound healing, skin tags at end of scar, fat necrosis, skin necrosis

Follow-up Appointments

1 week, 2 weeks, 3 months (after surgery)

Time Off Work

2 - 3 weeks

Sports and Exercise

2 weeks - walking 6 weeks - everything except sit-ups and swimming 12 weeks - everything


12 weeks until final result. Scars continue to improve over 18 months

Tummy tuck before and afters

How much does a tummy tuck cost?

A mini tummy tuck starts from £5,250. Please get in touch to confirm your fee. All patients will require a consultation prior to surgery to assess your individual requirements and desires.

Mini tummy tuck

From £6,044

Lock & glue tummy tuck

From £10,384


From £11,840

Tummy Tuck Recovery

Instructions on discharge
  • Compression garment to go over the dressings and to be worn day and night for 2 weeks and just during the daytime for next 3 months.
  • TED stockings to be worn for 2 weeks.
  • All dressings to be kept dry until further instructed.
  • Discharge with standard painkillers.
Dressings Clinic
  • Usually about a week after surgery when the pressure garment will be removed.
  • All sutures are dissolvable unless otherwise informed.
  • The first 2 weeks – minimal activities eg walking to the toilet, having meals and washing up.
  • 3-6 weeks normal daily activities including driving, etc.
  • 6 weeks onwards – can start sporting activities but no abdominal exercises for 6 months.
General scar care for First 3 Months
  • Micropore tape to the scars - once well healed – for at least 3 months. The micropore tape is to stay on for showering and baths and simply patted dry and not to be changed until it is very loose and almost falling off by itself. Frequent removal of the micropore tape can irritate the scar.
  • Moisturise scar after first 3 months.
  • Moisturising the rest of the abdominal skin and umbilical scar with active stretching of the umbilical scar to prevent shrinkage of the scar.
Special Instructions
  • Compression garment during the day for 3 months. Bikini and other panties are OK for holidays and the odd special occasion.

Our lock & glue tummy tuck specialists

Tummy Tuck reviews

9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Alternate Saturdays (call for details)
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday & Holiday